Value | Description |
UserUids | Find donations according to their users. |
Value | Description |
AdministratorsAndUsers | Responses to this question can be edited by both administrators and users. |
AdministratorsOnly | Responses to this question can be edited by administrators only. |
Value | Description |
Version | Find events according to their versions. |
Time | Find events according to their start times. |
Value | Description |
Address | Question type representing an address. |
Boolean | Question type representing a boolean (true/false). |
Date | Question type representing a date. |
EmailAddress | Question type represeting an email address. |
Header | Question type that will display static header text on the form. |
Integer | Question type represeting an integer. |
List | Question type represeting a list of values. |
Name | Question type represeting a name. |
PhoneNumber | Question type represeting a phone number. |
Photos | Question type representing a collection of photos. |
Skill | Question type represeting a user skill. |
String | Question type representing a string (text). |
Value | Description |
EmailAllowed | Token identifying the user's permission to receive email. |
EmergencyContactName | Token identifing the name of the user's emergency contact. |
EmergencyContactPhone | Token identifying the phone number of the user's emergency contact. |
SmsAllowed | Token identifying the user's permission to receive SMS messages. |
UserAddress | Token identifying the user's physical address. |
UserBirthday | Token identifying the user's birthday. |
UserEmailAddress | Token identifying the user's email address. |
UserFax | Token identifying the user's fax number. |
UserGender | Token identifying the user's gender. |
UserHomePhone | Token identifying the user's home phone number. |
UserMobilePhone | Token identifying the user's mobile phone number. |
UserName | Token identifying the user's name. |
UserPager | Token identifying the user's pager number. |
UserWorkPhone | Token identifying the user's work phone number. |
Value | Description |
LastUpdate | Find users according to when they were last updated. |
Version | Find users according to their versions. |
Value | Description |
AdministratorsAndUsers | Question is visible to both administrators and users. |
AdministratorsOnly | Question is visible to administrators only. |
Guid DonationUid
Guid UserUid
decimal Amount
DateTime DateTime
DateTime EndTime
Guid EventGroupUid
Guid EventUid
string Location
string LongDescription
string Name
string ShortDescription
DateTime StartTime
UserGroupRegistration[] UserGroupRegistrations
ulong Version
Property | Description |
DateTime EndTime | The ending time of the event. |
Guid EventGroupUid | The unique id of the event group this event belongs to. |
Guid EventUid | The unique id of the event. |
string Location | The location of the event. |
string LongDescription | The long description of the event. |
string Name | The name of the event. |
string ShortDescription | The short description of the event. |
DateTime StartTime | The starting time of the event. |
UserGroupRegistration[] UserGroupRegistrations | An array of user group registrations for this event. |
ulong Version | The current version of this event object. |
class UserGroupRegistration
float ? AnonymousHours
int AnonymousSlotsUsed
bool Deleted
int SlotsReserved
Guid UserGroupUid
UserRegistration[] UserRegistrations
Property | Description |
float? AnonymousHours | The number of anonymous hours reported for this user group, or null if no hours have been reported. |
int AnonymousSlotsUsed | The number of anonymous slots taken up by this group. |
bool Deleted | True if this user group reservation was deleted. |
int SlotsReserved | The number of slots reserved for this group. |
Guid UserGroupId | The unique id of the registered user group. |
UserRegistration[] UserRegistrations | An array of user registrations. |
class UserRegistration
int AnonymousSlotsUsed
bool Deleted
float ? Hours
DateTime RegistrationDate
Guid UserUid
int UserRegistrationId
bool Waitlisted
Property | Description |
int AnonymousSlotsUsed | The number of anonymous slots this user registration is consuming. |
bool Deleted | True if this user registration was deleted. |
float? Hours | The number of hours reported for this user, or null if no hours have been reported. |
DateTime RegistrationDate | The time and date when this user registration was created. |
Guid UserId | The unique id of the registered user. |
int UserRegistrationId | The id of this user registration. |
bool Waitlisted | True if the user registration is waitlisted for the event. |
Guid EventGroupUid
string Name
Guid? ParentEventGroupUid
Property | Description |
Guid EventGroupUid | The unique id of the event group. |
string Name | The name of the event group. |
Guid? ParentEventGroupUid | The unique id of the event group this event group belongs to, if any. |
Guid ContactUserUid
Form[] Forms
string Name
string Url
Property | Description |
Guid ContactUserUid | The unique id of the user who is the contact for this organization. |
Form[] Forms | The array of forms used by this organization. |
string Name | The name of the organization. |
string Url | The url of the organization's marketing website. |
class Form
FormQuestion[] FormQuestions
string Name
Property | Description |
FormQuestion[] FormQuestions | An array of the questions making up this form. |
string Name | The name of the form. |
class FormQuestion
Editability Editability
Guid FormQuestionUid
FormQuestionType FormQuestionType
string Name
int Ordinal
string Prompt
bool Required
string SubPrompt
FormQuestionToken[] Tokens
Visibility Visibility
Property | Description |
Editability Editability | The editability of this question. |
Guid FormQuestionUid | The unique id of this question. |
FormQuestionType FormQuestionType | The type of this question. |
string Name | The name of this question. |
int Ordinal | The ordinal of this question, which determines its position on the form relative to other questions. |
string Prompt | The prompt for this question. |
bool Required | True if the a response is required for this question, false otherwise. |
string SubPrompt | The subprompt for this question. |
FormQuestionToken[] Tokens | An array of tokens that identify system-defined questions. |
Visibility Visibility | The visibility of this question. |
DateTime Created
FormAnswer[] FormAnswers
[] UserGroupMemberships
string Username
ulong Version
Property | Description |
DateTime Created | The date and time the user was created. |
FormAnswer[] FormAnswers | An array of answers that have been provided by the user. |
Guid[] UserGroupMemberships | An array of Guids identifying the user groups to which the user belongs. |
Guid UserUid | The unique id of the user. |
string Username | The username of the user. |
ulong Version | The current version of the user. |
FormAnswer is an abstract base class for the various FormAnswer derived types below.
abstract class FormAnswer
Guid FormQuestionUid
Property | Description |
Guid FormQuestionUid | The Guid identifying the form question to which this answer belongs. |
FormAnswerAddress inherits from FormAnswer above.
class FormAnswerAddress : FormAnswer
string Address1
string Address2
string Address3
string City
string State
string PostalCode
Property | Description |
string Address1 | The first address line. |
string Address2 | The second address line. |
string Address3 | The third address line. |
string City | The city. |
string State | The state. |
string PostalCode | The postal code. |
FormAnswerBoolean inherits from FormAnswer above.
class FormAnswerBoolean : FormAnswer
bool Value
Property | Description |
bool Value | A boolean (true/false) value of this answer. |
FormAnswerDate inherits from FormAnswer above.
class FormAnswerDate : FormAnswer
DateTime Value
Property | Description |
DateTime Value | The time and date value of this answer. |
FormAnswerInteger inherits from FormAnswer above.
class FormAnswerInteger : FormAnswer
int Value
Property | Description |
int Value | The integer value of this answer. |
FormAnswerName inherits from FormAnswer above.
class FormAnswerName : FormAnswer
string FirstName
string MiddleName
string LastName
Property | Description |
string FirstName | The first name of this answer. |
string MiddleName | The middle name of this answer. |
string LastName | The last name of this answer. |
FormAnswerPhotos inherits from FormAnswer above.
class FormAnswerPhotos : FormAnswer
PhotosAnswerPhoto[] Photos
Property | Description |
PhotosAnswerPhoto[] Photos | An array of photos attached to this answer. |
FormAnswerString inherits from FormAnswer above.
class FormAnswerString : FormAnswer
string Value
Property | Description |
string Value | The string value of this answer. |
int PhotoId
string Url
Property | Description |
int PhotoId | The id of this photo. |
string Url | The url from which this photo can be retrieved. |
string Description
string Name
Guid? ParentUserGroupUid
Guid UserGroupUid
Property | Description |
string Description | The description of this user group. |
string Name | The name of this user group. |
Guid? ParentUserGroupUid | The unique id of the user group this user group belongs to, if any. |
Guid UserGroupUid | The unique id of this user group. |