VolunteerHub integrates with People Facts background check services to automate much of the approval process for your new volunteers.

The People Facts integration workflow places users into specific user groups indicating the status of their background checks (Figure 1). The full integration workflow is described in the sections below.

 Figure 1. New users are automatically placed into user groups denoting the status of their background checks.

Step 1. User creates account in VolunteerHub.

Automated Workflow
The first step in the integrated workflow requires a potential volunteer to create their account in VolunteerHub, just as a new volunteer normally would. Once the user has finished creating an account, they will be prompted to initiate a background check. Until the check is complete, the user will be prohibited from registering for events until the background check process is complete.

At this point, the user’s account is placed into the Redirected to BG Check user group, which signifies that the user has created an account in VolunteerHub but has not yet requested a background check.

Remember that users will remain in this group indefinitely if they never complete the background check request process. This may be because the user did not want to purchase a background check (if payment is required) or that the user did not wish to submit to a background check.

Manual Workflow
If you desire, the workflow can be triggered manually rather than upon initial account creation (e.g., volunteers can be manually added to the Redirected to BG Check group after signing up for and completing an orientation event in your site). If you would like to change the workflow to allow volunteers to sign up for certain events before being required to submit to a background check, or if you would like only certain volunteers to complete the background check process, please send an email to [email protected] with details regarding the desired workflow.

Step 2. User is routed to People Facts.

Once the user’s account is created in VolunteerHub, they will be prompted to initiate a background check (Figure 2).

 Figure 2. User is prompted to initiate a background check.

Clicking on the Initiate Background Check button will take the user to People Facts, where the user will complete the background check request process by entering personal information and authorizing the screen.

Once the screening is complete, People Facts will pass an update to VolunteerHub. The user will then be moved into the Background Check Requested user group, signifying that the user has requested a background check and that account approval is pending the results of the screen.

Step 3. People Facts completes background check.

Once the user’s background check has been fully processed, People Facts will pass an update to VolunteerHub. From that point, the user will fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Pending: Upon completion of the background check, a background check report will be placed in the user’s profile in VolunteerHub and the user will be added to the Background Check Ready user group. An administrator will then review the report via the link in the user's VolunteerHub profile to determine whether the user may be approved by approving or rejecting the volunteer based on their background check results.
  2. Approved: If clear, select "Accept" in the upper-right corner of the background check report, which removes the user from the screening user groups in your VolunteerHub site and enables the user to register for events (volunteer will receive an "account activation" email).
  3. Unapproved: Once you determine that the pending user is ineligible to volunteer with your organization based on the results of the background check report, select "Reject" in the upper-right corner of the report. The user will be added to the Background Check Ineligible user group and, as a result, will be blocked from volunteering with your organization in the future.

Ready to implement VolunteerHub’s integration with People Facts in your Hub? Contact your VolunteerHub Account Manager or send an email to [email protected].