Click here for the volunteer guide to Group Manager.

The Group Manager feature allows users to be designated as a Manager of a User Group, granting them the ability to view registrations from other members of their groups when a reservation for their group exists on an event. This is most useful for the leaders of external groups, such as local volunteering groups and organizations.

This feature is included at no cost with Enterprise Plans and is available as an add-on for Plus and Pro plans for an additional fee. To request this feature, please submit a new ticket.

This article will walk you through how to perform each of the following tasks:

Promoting a User to Manager

To be promoted to Manager, a user must first belong directly to the the User Group (user cannot be in a subgroup alone). If a User Group contains sub-groups, the manager of the parent group will also be able to manage users in all the parent group's subgroups.  

To promote a user to a Manager, navigate to the User Group and click the ellipsis (...) button to the right of the user's name and select "Promote to Manager" from the menu that appears. This enables the group manager functionality immediately upon the user's next log-in.

Any user can be the Manager of on or more groups. In addition, it is possible to have an unlimited number of managers for a user group; however, we recommend reserving this capability for a small number of members of the group.

Demoting a Manager to User

To demote a Manager to a standard user, click the ellipsis (...) button beside their name and select the "Demote from Manager" option.

Viewing the Managers of a User Group

When viewing a User Group, managers will be listed at the top of the Users page, above the alphabetical list of other users. The User Group Details section on the right side of the User Group's page will also list any managers of parent User Groups.

In addition, if a manager is registered for an event under a reservation for their group, a "Manager" tag will appear to the right of their name when viewing the event's registrations in the Admin view.

Managing Group Registrations (for Group Managers)

Once promoted to a Group Manager, a user will gain access to the My Groups option in the main menu of the Volunteer View. The My Groups page allows the manager to view past and future events with a reservation for their group(s), as well as the number of their people who have signed up and how many slots they have remaining.

Clicking the "View Details & Participants" link below an event takes the Manager to the Detail page of the event, where the full names of registrants in the Manager's user group can be viewed within the Signed Up section at the bottom of the page.