In this tutorial, we will discuss how to run various reports available in VolunteerHub.
There are two types of reports available: Formatted and Unformatted. Formatted reports are specifically formatted for printing on standard 8.5 x 11 inch paper and open in a browser window. Unformatted reports export raw, unformatted data into Excel in CSV format for further filtering, formatting, etc.
This tutorial covers each of the standard report types listed below, all of which are available in any current Plus, Pro or Enterprise site. Click on a report type to skip to that section or continue reading to learn about each.
- Formatted Reports
- Unformatted Reports
- Custom Reports
To access your Hub’s reports, navigate using the Reports tile. A list of report types will be displayed, along with a description of each (Figure 1). Note the tabs at the top for Formatted, Unformatted Reports, and Custom Reports.

Figure 1. Each report includes a description of the data it displays. Note the tabs to toggle between the formatted, unformatted reports, and Custom reports.
This report lists each user who is celebrating a birthday in a specific date range. It lists the date of the birthday as well as their age on that date. Contact information (email, phone numbers, and address) as well as email opt-in status is also included.
Figure 2. The Birthdays report shows birthdays and ages.
Event Participation by Event (v1) & (v2) *
These reports list each event occurring in a specific date range as well as participation data for that event, such as the expected number of volunteers (total slots taken for the event) and the total number of hours recorded for each registered user. For events with a slot limit defined, the report will list a ratio of expected participants to the total slot limit for the event. These reports also includes Anonymous hours granted on events. Each version of this report displays the same information formatted slightly differently.
You can select from the following fields:
- Event Group: Enter the name of an event group to show only data for that specific event group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching event group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 event groups in your site.
- Select Date Range: Select the date range for which you want to show event registration data. The report will show data for events occurring within the date range selected.
- Show Users: Check the box to show registered users’ names in the report.
After selecting the desired filters listed above, click on the View Report button to generate the report.
Figure 3. The Event Participation by Event reports show expected participants and their reported hours for each event. (v1) & (v2) display the same information formatted slightly differently.
The final rows of the report lists the subtotal ratio of registered volunteers to available slots for all events with slot limits defined, along with the total number of volunteer hours recorded for each. The last line of the report indicates final totals of each for all events during the specified date range.
Event Participation by User
This report lists each user registered for an event occurring during a specific date range as well as participation data for that user, including the expected number of participants for events the user was registered for (if parties with anonymous guests are enabled), the total number of events the user registered for and the total number of hours recorded for each user during the selected date range. This report is commonly used to generate the total unique user count for events within a date range.
You can select from the following fields:
- User Group: Enter the name of a user group to show only data for that specific group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching user group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 groups in your site.
- Event Group: Enter the name of an event group to show only data for that specific event group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching event group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 event groups in your site.
- Select Date Range: Select the date range for which you want to show event registration data. The report will show data for events occurring within the date range selected.
- Show Events: Check the box to show the names of the events for which users were registered in the report.
After selecting the desired filters listed above, click on the View Report button to generate the report.
Figure 4. The Event Participation by User report shows all users registered for events occurring in a specific date range.
The final rows of the report lists the total number of unique registered users for the selected date range. Each page contains columns with the following data:
- Duration: Total duration in hours for all registered events for the corresponding user occurring during the selected date range
- Expected: Total number of expected event participants registered under the corresponding user's event registration(s) for the specified date range (includes registrant's guests).
- Events: Total number of events the corresponding user is registered for that occur during the specified date range.
- Hours: Total number of hours recorded for all the corresponding user's registered events occurring during the specified date range.
Event Summary (v1) & (v2)
These simple reports lists each event occurring in a specific date range as well as a list of all users and the total number of registered users for each event. Each version of this report displays the same information formatted slightly differently.
You can select from the following fields:
- Event Group: Enter the name of an event group to show only data for that specific event group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching event group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 event groups in your site.
- Select Date Range: Select the date range for which you want to show event registration data. The report will show data for events occurring within the date range selected.
After selecting the desired filters listed above, click on the View Report button to generate the report.
Figure 5. The Event Summary report shows expected participants for each event.
Last User Activity
This simple report lists all users with event activity on their accounts as of a particular date, along with phone numbers, email addresses and the most recent activity date for each. Activity, in this case, refers to "active registrations," meaning the date of the latest event for which the user is registered. If the user is registered for an event occurring in the future, the date listed in this report may then occur in the future.
You can select from the following fields:
- As of: Select the date as of which you wish to view user activity. Users who were active before but not on or after this date will be excluded from the report.
- Show Inactive Users: Check this box to show users with no event registration activity within the last 12 months.
After selecting the desired filters listed above, click on the View Report button to generate the report.
Figure 6. The Last User Activity report shows users who were active in the system as of a particular date.
Multi-Event Sign-In Sheet*
This report lists all users registered for events occurring within a specific date range. This report is very useful when a paper sign-in sheet is desired for multiple positions or events at the same location. The report also includes all User Form question responses with the “Include this question on reports” option enabled.
You can select from the following fields:
- Event Group: Enter the name of an event group to show only data for that specific event group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching event group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 event groups in your site.
- Select Date Range: Select the date range for which you want to show event registration data. The report will show data for events occurring within the date range selected.
After selecting the desired filters listed above, click on the View Report button to generate the report.
Figure 7. The Multi-Event Sign-In Sheet report lists users along with the events they’ve registered for in a particular date range.
User Group Membership
This simple report lists all users (and their email addresses) within a specific user group, along with all user groups to which they belong.
You can filter by User Group to show only data for users belonging to that user group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching user group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 groups in your site.
After entering a user group, click on the View Report button to generate the report.
Figure 8. The User Group Membership report lists all users in a particular group and additional groups to which they belong.
Event Registrations*
This unformatted report lists detailed event and registration information for events occurring in a specific date range as well as the users who are registered for those events. The report also includes all User Form question responses with the “Include this question on reports” option enabled. This report also includes hours and number of anonymous guests at events.
You can select from the following fields:
- Select Date Range: Select the date range for which you want to show event registration data. The report will show data for events occurring within the date range selected.
- Event Group: Enter the name of an event group to show only data for that specific event group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching event group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 event groups in your site.
- User Group: Enter the name of a user group to show only data for members of that specific group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching user group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 groups in your site.
After selecting the desired filters listed above, click on the Preview Report button to generate a preview of the report. To download the full report as a CSV file in Excel, click on the Download Full Report button.
Figure 9. The Event Registrations report shows detailed event, user and registration information.
User Roster*
This unformatted report lists all users and their account details such as User Form question responses, last log-in, update and activity dates and total number of recorded volunteer hours and registered events.
The Last Activity column refers to "active registrations," meaning the date of the latest event for which the user is registered. (If the user is registered for an event occurring in the future, the date listed in this report may then occur in the future.) The Hours column represents a user's all-time, grand total hours. The Event Count column represents a user's all-time, grand total number of registered events.
You can select from the following fields:
- User Group Membership: Enter the name of a user group to show only data for members of that specific group and the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching user group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 groups in your site.
- Activity: This section includes two options.
- Check the first checkbox to include only those users who created, updated, or created or updated their accounts within a particular date range in the report. This is particularly useful when reporting on all recently-created user accounts.
- Check the second checkbox to include only those users who registered for events in the selected event group (if applicable) within a particular date range. (These are the dates the events take place.)
- Event Group: Enter the name of an event group to show only users who have registered for an event within a specific event group and/or the groups contained within it. This field is an auto-complete field, meaning you can type a few letters in the box and view matching event group names. Removing everything from the box will list the first 20 event groups in your site.
- Affiliation: This field denotes a user’s affiliation with a specific user group for which a reservation has been applied to events. Select whether to show:
- All users regardless of group affiliation (includes those registered as Unaffiliated Users AND those registered under a particular user group’s reservation)
- Only those users who registered for events under a particular user group reservation
- Only those users who have registered without an affiliation (i.e., Unaffiliated Users)
After selecting the desired filters listed above, click on the Preview Report button to generate a preview of the report. To download the full report as a CSV file in Excel, click on the Download Full Report button.
Figure 10. The User Roster report shows detailed user account information for a sub-set of users.
Custom Reports has its own article accessible here.
Now that you're familiar with VolunteerHub's reporting options, click "Next" below for some advanced settings you can apply to your VolunteerHub site.
(Continue to Part 9: Modifying Additional Site Settings)
(Back to Part 7: Viewing Your Site as a Volunteer)