It happens to everyone. Admins and volunteers alike may forget a username or password, making it difficult to sign in and manage opportunities. However, if a user forgets either a username or password, he or she can obtain an email with a link to sign in via a Magic Link.

If the user has trouble resetting their own password, try the troubleshooting tips below.

Make sure they’re entering the right username or email address.

Many times, a user actually has entered the wrong username or email address. If your volunteer or administrator still has trouble signing in, ask them what username or email address they tried and provide the correct username or email address if it doesn’t match with what you have on file.

Verify they are receiving the magic link email.

Once a user enters an email address, they will receive an email with instructions to proceed, which includes a link to sign in without their password. If their inbox has high security settings (as with corporate/organization email servers), the email may be sent to a spam folder. This can be avoided if the user adds an exception (also known as whitelisting) for all emails coming from addresses.

Verify the email address they entered is the email on their account.

If they are receiving the magic link email and the sign in button is not working, ensure the email address they are entering is the same email address within their profile.

Make sure they have the correct URL.

Ensure that the volunteer is trying to sign into the correct VolunteerHub site. Occasionally volunteers will report not being able to sign in, only to find they were not on the correct website to begin with.

Have an administrator reset the password manually.

Any administrator can reset another user’s password, even if the other user is another administrator. To reset a user’s password, find the user’s account in your site, click the ellipsis (...) icon in the upper right and choose Change Password. Enter the new password in both corresponding fields and click Save. We recommend having at least two administrators in any site so that, if one is locked out of their account, the second administrator can reset it.

Leaving the box checked for 'Require this user to change their password when they first log in' will require them to immediately reset their own password.