Data Import/Export allows for making changes to users via a spreadsheet. The changes may be either to User Form data or bulk adding/removing to a User Group.

Please note that Data Import/Export is included with the Enterprise Plan and may be added to other VolunteerHub plans at an additional cost.  For more information, please contact [email protected].

Step 1.

Prepare your site

First, make sure all necessary Import/Export Keys for User Form questions and User Groups are defined.  These keys define the column headers for the Export spreadsheets and must not contain spaces. For detailed instructions on creating Import/Export Keys, please refer to the Data Import/Export article.

Step 2.

Prepare your spreadsheet

The safest thing to do is to delete any columns from the spreadsheet that aren't being modified.  For example, if no user form data is to be changed, deleting all user form columns ensures no mistaken changes.

Accounts created via Social Media do not have usernames.  To avoid issues with these accounts, it's safest to delete 'Username:Value' (Column B) from the spreadsheet prior to re-importing

The completed spreadsheet should only have 'UserUid:Value' as Column A, with subsequent columns being where changes were made.

To make a user a member of a user group, change their membership column response from FALSE to TRUE.

Once completed, save your spreadsheet.

Step 3.


From the Import Users page, click 'Browse', select your spreadsheet, then click 'Import' at the top of the page.

Once the import is complete, changes cannot be undone.