There are several types of emails sent from VolunteerHub:

  • Automatic System Emails
    • Account creation/activation verifications
    • Password resets
  • Automatic Event Emails
    • Registration confirmation (user presses a button to receive) 
    • Registration reminders (all users receive)
    • Thank-you message (users may opt-out of)
  • Administrator Initiated Emails
    • To a specific user
    • To an entire user group
    • Through a filter
    • To all users signed up for an event

These messages appear in the user's inbox as having been sent from "Administrator's Name via VolunteerHub", however the actual email address is "[email protected]".  The emails address cannot be changed, however users may reply to those emails, and the reply will go to either the sender (admin-initiated emails), the Organizational Contact (automatic system emails) or the event contact (automated event emails).

If you don't want replies to these emails to go to a specific person on your team, you can always create a dummy user account with the first name "Volunteer" and the last name "Coordinator" (or whatever makes sense for your use-case) and use a generic email address as the user's email. However, remember that the dummy user account must be a Superuser to be used as the Organizational Contact. 

For Automatic System Emails

These emails are sent from "Organization Contact's Name via VolunteerHub", and the reply-to is your organizational contact's email, which can be changed by navigating to Settings > Organization and entering a different administrator's name into the Organization Contact field. Be sure to click on the Save button when finished.

For Automatic Event Emails

These emails are sent from "Event Contact's Name via VolunteerHub", and the reply-to is the event contact specific to the event for which the email was sent. To change the name and email address of the Event Contact, open the specific event or Recurrence Template, click Edit and change the administrator's name in the Event Contact field. Be sure to click on the Save button when finished.