By utilizing VolunteerHub, in accordance with our Terms of Use, defined within Subscription Term #19, you agree to not:

Upload and/or store any files or other data containing information that is considered to be Protected Health Information (PHI) or any other information whose disclosure is regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 or the Privacy Act of 1974.

  • VolunteerHub cannot be used to store any information covered under HIPAA, which includes information related to a person's health.

  • VolunteerHub cannot be used to store any information related to Payment Card Industry (PCI).  This would include account numbers and credit card numbers.

  • Laws and regulations related to the storage of personal data vary by jurisdiction (country, state/province, and city) for both the organization as well as their volunteers. VolunteerHub recommends as best practice not to store sensitive information such as Social Security Numbers. Before attempting to store sensitive and/or identifiable information, we recommend contacting your organization's attorney to ensure the legality of your possessing and storing that data.