Table of Contents

Volunteer Notification Settings

Volunteers can manage their email preferences from the Notification Settings Page.


By default, all new volunteers are opted in to all three email categories.

Send me event registration confirmation emails.

Opting in automatically sends an email to the volunteer when they register for an event.  This email contains the name, date, location/map of the event, as well as the information placed in the Confirmation Message box by an admin.

Send me post-event thank-you emails and surveys.

Opting in automatically sends the Thank You email 24 hours after the event.

Send me occasional newsletters and announcements.

Opting in allows the volunteer to receive administrator-initiated emails.

If the setting to send a reminder is enabled within an event, all volunteers registered for the event receive the reminder with no option to opt out.

If a volunteer opts out of any or all of the email categories, they will still receive administrator-initiated (manually generated) emails on events they have registered for with no option to opt out. These emails are typically to communicate information critical to the event such as a location change or additional information needed for the event.

Accessing the Notification Settings

  1. From the Volunteer View by clicking the dropdown by their name

  2. By clicking the link in the bottom right corner of an email

Clicking ‘Unsubscribe’ prompts volunteers with a warning ensuring they wish to no longer receive that email type.

Administrator Access

Administrators may view and change a user's Notification Settings from within their profile.   Email Opt-In options appear at the bottom of their User Details and is editable.