Click here for the Volunteer Guide to Self-Reporting Hours.

If you do not want these hours associated with a particular event, 
click here to learn about Ad Hoc hours.

Work-from-home opportunities are generally entered just like any other event in VolunteerHub. Most are typically created as Recurrence Templates (recurring events) with the Hours Self-Reporting option in the event's Edit page set to "Allowed." 

Hours submitted through this feature can then be approved in bulk by an administrator, at which point the approved hours will appear in reports and in the user's profile. By default, your events will not be eligible for self-reporting of hours; therefore, volunteers will not have the ability to submit hours remotely for those activities. Follow the steps below to start using the hours self-reporting feature for your remote activities.

Step 1

In the Admin view, locate the event (or Recurrence Template) for which you want volunteers to submit hours remotely. Click the orange ellipsis (...) button and select "Edit Event" from the menu that appears.

Step 2

In the Registration Details section of the event's Edit page, select "Allowed" from the Hours Self-Reporting field and click Save.

This will enable a Report Hours button in the My Hours page of the volunteer's profile (in the Volunteer View) whenever the volunteer is signed up for that event. In addition, automatic Thank-You emails sent for the event will contain a "Click here to report your hours" link, as long as the user doesn't already have hours recorded.

Once the volunteer clicks the Report Hours button or clicks on the link in the Thank-You email, he or she will be able to enter the total hours worked for the activity for up to 30 days following the event's end time. Users can submit up to 24 hours per day the event lasts.

Note that hours worked by a volunteer may only be submitted once per event unless submitted hours are later marked as unapproved by the administrator.

Step 3

Once a user has reported hours for an event, navigate to the Approve Hours tile in the Main Menu. 

Step 4

Each row on this page represents hours submitted by a volunteer for a specific event. Click the Approve button to the right of each user's reported hours to approve the submission, or click Decline to reject the hours and enable the volunteer to resubmit their hours. To approve submitted hours from all users for all events appearing on the page at once, click the Approve All Hours button in the upper-right corner of the page.

You can also set the default self-reporting option for all new events you create by navigating to the Settings tile > Site Settings tab and selecting "Allowed" or "Not allowed" in the Hours Self-Reporting field. Whatever you choose here will be the option selected by default for all new events you create.