File Upload questions allow the user to submit documents, photos, or other files as part of their application. This question type can also be used for administrative purposes by setting the question to 'Hidden from the user' for tracking certificates or any other files associated with a user.
Remember, the VolunteerHub Terms of Use prohibit storage of Protected Health Information (PHI), Payment Card Industry (PCI), or other sensitive information. See our knowledgebase article for more information.
Creating a File Upload Question
To create a File Upload question, navigate to your User Form, click 'Add Question', then 'Create New Question'. Set the question type to File Upload. Create your question as usual.
Setting an Expiration
At the bottom of the wizard are options for setting an the expiration mode:
• None
○ The uploaded file will never expire
• Number of days
○ The uploaded file will expire after the number of days defined (e.g., 365 days)
• Month/day
○ The uploaded file will expire on the date chosen
• Prompt User
○ The user will provide the date that the uploaded file will expire (e.g., driver's license expiration date)
If 'Require a Response to This Question' is set to 'Yes', the user will need to upload a new file when the current one expires in order to register for any future events.
The User Roster Report contains columns for the expiration date for each File Upload question.
In a User's Profile
When viewing a user's profile, administrators can view the expiration date and click on the file name to download the file.
Editing their profile allows for replacing the file, deleting the file, and changing the expiration date.
Note: File Upload questions can be marked as 'hidden from the user' and used to track internal documents, certifications, etc.
Accepted filetypes include:
• Images
Maximum file size: 4MB