If your site's hours tracking mode is set to "grant hours upon check out," volunteers are not assigned hours until the system has been told they checked out.  If it is still the same day as an event, each volunteers' check in/out status is visible within OnSite, but to audit past events you can filter a list.

Filtering a list of events with volunteers still checked in

Go to the Events page

  • From Admin View, click the menu launcher and choose 'Events'

Expand the Filter

  • Click the filter icon at the top

Set Your Filtering Options

  • Set the date-range for the events you're wishing to search
  • Check the box for "Show events with volunteers still checked in"
  • Click 'Apply Filters'

Set any other desired filtering options as needed

Adjust Times as Needed

  • From the list of displayed events, click on each event and manually adjust the time for volunteers who did not check out.

Hold down the CTRL key while clicking an event to open it in a new tab for easier navigation and to maintain the filtered list of events.