Join our bbcon Happy Hour session: VolunteerHub Updates in Response to COVID-19

Chances are, COVID-19 has changed the way your organization engages, recruits, and manages volunteers. At VolunteerHub, we have been working hard to update & enhance our volunteer management software to help your organization drive value and fulfill mission.

We invite you to join our Happy Hour at Blackbaud’s bbcon virtual conference as Matthew Murphy, Implementation and Training Manager for VolunteerHub, discusses a few VolunteerHub software updates and enhancements for 2020. This is an exclusive event and spots are limited.

Here are a few topics Matthew will cover during the session:

  • Site Enhancements & Updates
  • Touchless Check-In
  • Additional Communication Features
  • New Timesaving Benefits

To register for bbcon click here.

Once registered, simply click here on October 7th at 3:30 PM EST to join the session.

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