VolunteerHub July 2021 Release Notes

Several updates to functionality have been added in VolunteerHub. Each update in this release is listed below.

File Upload Expirations Report

The file names and expirations of File Upload questions on the User Form are now included within the User Roster report.  If the option for 'Include this question on reports" is set to 'Yes', the file name and expiration are also include within additional reports.

Terminology Changes

Two changes to terminology within VolunteerHub, no changes to functionality.

Event Disabled is now Event Deactivated

This displays on the admin view when setting the Event Visibility option:

This displays for volunteers when registration for an event is not enabled:

Recurrence Masters are now Recurrence Templates

Hours Tracking Mode Based on Event Time

If Hours Tracking Mode is set to either grant hours upon check in or grant hours upon registration, the following event scenarios do require the volunteer to check OUT:

• Events that span longer than 24 hours

• Events posted as 'All Day' Events (i.e., posted Day 1 12:00 AM - Day 2 12:00 AM)

• Events posted as ' - End of Event' (i.e., Start and End Date/Time are the same)

  But they do NOT have to check out of:

• Events that last 24 hours or less but are not technically "All Day" events

(i.e., events that last from Day 1 6:00 AM - Day 2 6:00 AM)

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