VolunteerHub November 2021 Release Notes

Several updates to functionality have been added in VolunteerHub. Each update in this release is listed below.

Enhanced Filtering for Volunteer View

Volunteers now have the ability to filter events based on criteria in addition to Event Group.

Slots Remaining

Events can be filtered by the number of slots available.  This is especially beneficial for families and groups.

More Filters

-Date Range

    Instead of having to scroll through events to find a particular start date; volunteers can filter to a specific date range.


-Day of Week

    Volunteers only available certain days of the week can view those specific days.


-Time of Day

    This filter is based on the start time of the event.  Morning denotes events that begin 11:59 AM or earlier, with Afternoon containing those starting noon or later.  Events set as 'All Day', with no defined start time, display within either filter.



The More Filters button displays a number to denote if any filters are active, and all filters may be cleared by pressing the Clear Filters button.

True/False Checkbox Style Question Type

The True/False question type within the User Form now features two styles: dropdown and checkbox.  

Dropdown is the traditional style which defaults to the options being 'yes' or 'no', and the volunteer must choose one.  

Checkbox displays the prompt with only a single checkbox next to it where the volunteer either checks it or doesn't.  This allows for the creation of a series of True/False questions formatted in a way where a volunteer may "choose all that apply."  Technically each option would be its own question, but presented stylistically to the volunteer as a single list.

Best practice would be to introduce the list of options with the topic question as a Header prompt and instructions as the sub prompt:

Followed by each option as its own subsequent True/False checkbox prompt:

When viewing a user's profile, only the Question Name for checked boxes appear:

Within the User Roster report, all question names are displayed and a value is present:

1 Comment

I absolutely love the new enhanced filtering, specifically the slots remaining option!! Thank you!! Any chance you could add one more option of showing anything not full? I understand that when you select a number, it displays all events with that number of slots as well as any with higher slots available. So, you can select 1 slot, and this shows you everything available. But it is slightly confusing to explain to people.  

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