VolunteerHub has a Facebook Group for administrators! To access and join the Group, click here.
This group is a community of VolunteerHub Administrators and is a place to ask questions and share ideas.
Please note that while VolunteerHub moderates this group, it is not a substitute for contacting Support. For inquiries to Support, please submit a support ticket by accessing it here.
VolunteerHub content such as release notes, new knowledgebase articles and videos, as well as blog posts are also shared in this Facebook Group.
Email Queue Updates
The process for how VolunteerHub manages emails has changed to allow more speedy delivery during times of high volume.
Email Sign-In for Unknown Email Address
Previously, when attempting to sign-in via the Magic Link, users entering email addresses not in the system were still provided a sign-in link, which took them back to the site so that they could create a new account.
Now if a user enters an unknown email address, no email is sent and the sign-in page alerts them that their email was not found.
Social Media Sign-Ins
The Sign-In screen now includes social media sign-in options for: • Google • Facebook • Apple • Microsoft These options may be used to sign-in to an existing account or as a means of creating a new account.
When linking to an existing account, the email addresses of the existing VolunteerHub account and the social media account must be the same.
If a user creates a new account via social media, the resulting account does not have a username or password.
NOTE TO ADMINISTRATORS: With all the recent changes to sign-in options, now is a good time to update your 'Sign in Message' on your landing pages. Below is a standard example of what it might say.
This text can be editing by selecting your landing page from the Landing Pages page and scrolling down to the third box from the bottom.
Matthew Murphy
VolunteerHub has a Facebook Group for administrators!
To access and join the Group, click here.
This group is a community of VolunteerHub Administrators and is a place to ask questions and share ideas.
Please note that while VolunteerHub moderates this group, it is not a substitute for contacting Support. For inquiries to Support, please submit a support ticket by accessing it here.
VolunteerHub content such as release notes, new knowledgebase articles and videos, as well as blog posts are also shared in this Facebook Group.
Email Queue Updates
The process for how VolunteerHub manages emails has changed to allow more speedy delivery during times of high volume.
Email Sign-In for Unknown Email Address
Previously, when attempting to sign-in via the Magic Link, users entering email addresses not in the system were still provided a sign-in link, which took them back to the site so that they could create a new account.
Now if a user enters an unknown email address, no email is sent and the sign-in page alerts them that their email was not found.
Social Media Sign-Ins
The Sign-In screen now includes social media sign-in options for:
• Google
• Facebook
• Apple
• Microsoft
When linking to an existing account, the email addresses of the existing VolunteerHub account and the social media account must be the same.
If a user creates a new account via social media, the resulting account does not have a username or password.
NOTE TO ADMINISTRATORS: With all the recent changes to sign-in options, now is a good time to update your 'Sign in Message' on your landing pages. Below is a standard example of what it might say.
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